Please Mom...

by x325xRunawayTrainx103x   Feb 27, 2006

Just please be quiet,
I cant think when you're loud...
I can't stand your riot,
I know you'll never be proud...

Through all my life,
Nothing has changed...
After every night,
My life became more rearranged

I sit here now,
Older than i was before...
Realizing how,
I can get through this some more...

But how can i smile,
When i want to cry?
For all this long while...
You didn't even try!

Did you try to love me?
Or did you even care?
You want to know what i see...
I see NOBODY standing there...

You care more about pills
Than you EVER did about me!
Well take your useless thrills
And abuse them some more quickly!

I don't care any more!
Because it's obvious you don't,
So what do i still care for
When i know that you won't...

But just remember this...
When people point and stare
Here's the picture you miss
And here's the reality that is there

The public eye will see,
A daughter WITH no mother...
And then there's me...
Still crying because "i love her"

They ALREADY see you
As a horrible human being!
So why make that untrue...
And change what people are seeing...

Please just love me
I'm your youngest daughter...
I don't want it to be
Just me and my father...


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  • 18 years ago

    by Katz

    Omg I can totally relate to this, my mother sounds exactly the same and Im her youngest daughter too!! We have something in common!