A Lesson too Late

by Brittany   Feb 27, 2006

She was the girl
who everyone knew,
who they secretly feared,
and refused to talk to.

She ate lunch alone,
never spoke a word,
she always walked home,
we called her a nerd.

All the students mocked her,
some teachers did too,
everyone made fun of her,
she was well aware, we knew.

Soon our taunting turned to hatred,
it ticked us off,
she was so sedated.

Nothing we could say,
would ever make her flinch,
she took our criticism silently,
but that was all she did.

No matter what we did,
we could never make her cry,
she never once shed a tear,
no matter how hard we'd try.

It was bound to happen,
and one day it did,
I woke up and realized,
I was no longer just a kid.

I was ruthless and cruel,
we all were, it was true,
our treatment wasn't fair,
yet some how...
we didn't care.

Then one day the taunting,
got a little out of hand,
she couldn't take it anymore,
and just before she ran away,
I began to understand.

I cried her name,
but she wouldn't wait,
I followed her,
but I was too late.

She fled to the roof,
fell three stories down,
and dead in the school yard,
was where she was found.

And in this horror story,
was a lesson to be learned,
never underestimate,
the power of one's words.



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  • 19 years ago


    Truly know how this person felt.This was me in High School but thanx to a few students I didnt go that far. Although it was on my mind.

  • 19 years ago

    by Juls

    That was the most powerful poem I have read in a long time. Amazing how ones words effects other one and the measures that person will go to get away from it. This was an amazing poem, it had great meaning to it yet it kept a wonderful and easy flow. Keep writing.
