Every Thing You Do

by Kayla   Feb 28, 2006

When we first kissed I remember telling my self to breathe
Hoping and praying someday we could be.
Losing my self in your blue-green eyes
Seeing in you no harm or any lies.

We started hanging out
I fell in love no doubt.
Letting my self go as I take the fall
No worrying not even at all.

Forgetting about my past all because of you
Treating me perfectly I love all the things you do.
The day you asked me out i know the moment wasn't right
And I'm sorry for that if i only wouldn't have started the fight.

I always dreamed i would find someone just like you
Your so perfect so pure and true.
Loving you is something I'll never regret
I'm so thankful you and me met.

You've changed my aspect in life you changed me
You've made me the happiest person i could ever be.
And i know i can never repay you for the way you make me feel
So beautiful so special and so real.

I know your the best thing thats happened to me
You've made me the person I've always wanted to be.
I know sometimes we may argue and i dont treat you right
But my past has corrupted me, but i try to i give it all my might.

No matter how i dress, do my make up or do my hair
Your aways there to tell me I'm beautiful you always show you care.
I can be in a snow suit and a red hate and look like a #2 pencil
But no matter what u say I'm cute and it makes me show my dimples.

You may not think your perfect but in my eyes you are
No matter what you say you are by far.
Your everything I've ever wanted
So open up your eyes and see I'm not fronting.

Your one person I'll never let go
And I'm trying my hardest to let it show.
Somethings i cant say to your face I'm so scared of what you might say
But It'll all in this poem your readying today.

No matter what you say or think your wonderful to me
You've changed my life and made me see.
There's more to you than you'll ever know
But i cant express it all so I'm gonna have to go.


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  • 17 years ago

    by JessicaLeighann

    I love this poem. Its amazing. Its crazzy how all girls seem to feel the same way. this explains exactly what has been on my mind. this poem is amazing. your a incredible writter. keep it up.

  • 18 years ago

    by Im In Love What Can I Say

    Awwwwww how cute this is one is nice to keep up the good work 5.5

  • 19 years ago

    by Kayla

    Its talking bout how he makes me feel and how he made me forget about my past.He makes me feel specialy and accepted for who i am.