
by Tiffany   Feb 28, 2006

Tears streaming down my face,
Ive never felt such disgrace.

I didnt believe it could be true,
The jokes couldnt be from you.

I trusted you with all my heart,
You took the trust and tore it apart.

I cried and cried, the pain was strong,
How could I ever have been so wrong?

Ive felt this pain for such a long time,
And I dreamt of the day that youd be mine.

But that day never came,
And the pain stayed the same.

The tears came down day after day,
Failure came when I would pray.

So now I must say good-bye,
Now it is my time to die.


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Latest Comments

  • 15 years ago

    by silvertung69

    I'm glad to see your still alive!
    Nice heart felt write.

  • 17 years ago

    by Jes Miller

    Wow girl i really like it....ur tears may fall but u kno i'll be there to catch em...

  • 19 years ago

    by **Stacy**

    Wow...this is really good. extreme use of deep words. i love it. 5/5