Let Me Down

by Dark Elmo   Feb 28, 2006

You made me smile.
You held me so tight.
I never thought you'd leave me,
Until that broken night.

You didn't want to hurt me.
You wasn't good enough.
We just weren't meant to be.
I'd find better luck.

We could still be friends,
As you hoped we could be.
But all I want to do is cry,
When you look at me.

Now every night I want to die,
I hope this won't last long.
Piecing my heart back together,
Looks like you've moved on.

We no longer talk or smile.
My heart just wants to drown.
Your poor excuses are in my head.
You didn't want to let me down.

I hope you'll come back,
But I know I'm going to cry tonight.
Fighting this urge for tears, I think,
You let me down alright.


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  • 19 years ago

    by **Stacy**

    Awww this is so sad....i kno how it feels hun...relationships suck dont they. i'm here if u need 2 talk. take care. bye.