Autumn Nights

by Samantha Compton   Feb 28, 2006

Autumn days and Autumn nights,
Pass by in and out of light
A little breeze, a darkened sky,
Will make the night go on.

The sun is down, the sky is black,
A great big blanket coming back.
How comforting this blanket is.
I welcome it's huge cloak.

The wind died down, and feels just right,
Descending on this lovely night.
Not to cold and not to warm,
Refreshing on my face.

The clouds coat the sky right overhead,
Appearing like a fluffy bed.
I wish that I could touch the clouds
And ride with them tonight.

Sailing through the midnight sky,
Passing cities by and by,
Above all things, what a thrill
To fly above the world.

I long to go and chase the breeze,
To its carefree life above the trees
Where no worries can ever exist,
And love is always there.

And even though I really know
That such a thing cannot be so,
The thought of such a wondrous thing
Clears my troubled mind.

Peaceful, gorgeous autumn nights
When people love and have no fright
And hope is very much alive
Because I feel it here.


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  • 17 years ago

    by aUbReY mIcHeLlE

    Great peom, Sam. you're a great insperation to young writers cuz of your incredible writing

  • 19 years ago

    by LadyPearl

    Fantastic job! Keep on writing Sam!

  • 19 years ago

    by charles

    Your work is good but your choice of words at times makes this poem fall short of being even better you need to get out of the same used discriptive passages be more creative with your language

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