Razors take away the pain

by Breana   Feb 28, 2006

Razors Take Away Pain
I grabbed the razor and took away the pain.
Because my heart is broken and my soul has been slain.
My eyes are fading, they were once bright blue.
They saw through the lies. They saw through you.
Now the blood is dripping, my heart is beating slower.
I walk to my room and sit on my bed.
My lats thoughts were of you. And what you said.
I took the note for you from my desk. I read it once again and this is what it said-
"Do not cry because I died today.
My time has come and thats all I can say. Tell my friends I will miss them and my sister I love her. Goodbye. For now. And forever."
I now have tears escaping streaming down my face. But I just lay back, rest and listen to my heart pace.
The blood kept flowing, staining my bed.
But I just closed my eyes and rest my head.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Finalgravedigger

    Nice poem but cutting only feels good for a short time and it doenst solve anything 4/5 read one of mine please