Failed Escape

by Samantha Compton   Feb 28, 2006

A sickening smash
Resounds through the room,
A dim hope to escape
The darkness and gloom.

A boy left so mangled
He clings to the ground,
Runs into the window,
Creating the sound.

He claws once again
Toward the glass windowpane,
Away from the rage
Of something insane.

I sit up and gaze
At his mutilated face
Smearing blood on the glass
In a frantic attempt of escape.

In his eyes lies horror and pain,
He soon pulls away,
Drug by something unfathomable,
Screaming for the light of day.

Then he is still,
Still gazing at me,
His blue eyes glazed over
With one last desperate plea.

He lies on the ground,
His hair matted in red,
Shining in the moonlight,
Regrettably dead.

this image still haunts me
Inside of mind.
I couldn't help him escape,
And this blame's made me blind.


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  • 17 years ago

    by aUbReY mIcHeLlE

    5/5 totally awesome peom, sam

  • 19 years ago

    by Kristie

    Wow, really good. I could actually imagine the whole scene inside my head of the distraught boy and the pain he was in. It was very good keep up the good work.

    -Kristie :D

  • 19 years ago

    by LadyPearl

    Powerful and dark! Wonderful job!

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