Walk Forward With A Smile

by The Wingless   Feb 28, 2006

With the irritation of not finding answers
I waste my time on simple questions
That go somewhere else
Your doubts are drawing near

Like I was supposed to
I prayed many times
Repeated the same words
Over and over
For weeks my heart batted heavily with violent rain
But it didn't wash away all my sins

This city overflows with anxiety
And you search for a path
That's not on the map
No guide at all.

Trying to remember that day
When people actually laughed
As soon as the morning sun beamed
Gentle lovers loved

Shine eternally in my heart
Like you used to
Walk forward with a smile
Remember with everything you lose you gain
Encounter the miracle from our past days.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Pure Silence

    Hey Hunny!

    I'm at school, it's lunch hour and krys and I got bored so we stole a computer lol... KIDDING but anyways, I just saw the update and I wonna say CONGRATS! damn you doing all this in less time then I did, I'm so proud of you, *hugs and Kisses* I love you so much, keep up the hard work and the wonderful poems =) Lol gotta love the feeling of seeing the Silver Favs award eh?

    See you Tonight
    Thing One < 3 forever yours!

  • 19 years ago

    by Torn

    How inspiring!!!!
    lol..really loved it.
    I usually dont like it or find it hard ot read when there is no rhythm scheme or anything but i liked how this one flowed.
    Sorry ive taken a while to comment..hope all is good xoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by ~TornBecauseOfYou~

    Excellent job well done 5/5
    Oohh im commentin your work
    So now you gotta kill me twice..

  • 19 years ago

    by Melissa

    Very inspiring piece!
    "And you search for a path
    That's not on the map" I love these lines, beautifully written! Great job!