The Little Things

by Sonya   Jan 19, 2004

Its not the big things that make me cry
Its not the wonderful things that make me smile
Its the little things that make my life worthwhile

Just a simple thank you shows you care
The little spark in your eyes that makes me shiver
One little compliment can make my day
I'm not looking for the one
Or a million bucks

I'm just sitting here hoping
That every night ill go to sleep with a smile on my face
One bad remark can make my eyes water
Knowing that I'm not perfect enough for someone
Will make me wanna change

I'm not asking for the world
not even asking for mansion
I'm asking in a plea
That someone will notice me
You know me as the girl i act
But not the girl inside of me

A little hug can make me go crazy
A dirty look can make me go wild
The simplest things in life are what make it real and true
For someone just to remember what happened one night
Or an inside joke
Or even to hear that they know who i am

I'm not asking for my own talk show
Not asking for my own star
I'm just wondering if maybe somehow my dreams can come true
Not to be the president
Or find a cure to a disease

All I'm asking is to be someones somebody
And someone to hold me
To feel my heart race
And my mind to go crazy
I hope its not too much to ask for

I don't expect that much
I can give you my pride and my talents
If you can give me my dreams
Just to smile at me in the hall way
Or to say hi to me at the mall
To ring me up just to say hello

Not asking for a diamond ring
Or a gold tiara
Its simple you see
Life's not about the pleasures
Or the prize
Its about the game
All about the ride

So i stand here today
Waiting till tomorrow
Because the little things make the biggest smile

(i know its long but please comment and rate :)


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  • 21 years ago

    by lisa marie

    Hey i really liekd this poem..check mine out

  • 21 years ago

    by Sonya

    thank u 4 ur comments :) they mean a lot!

  • 21 years ago

    by Sonya

    thank you 4 the comment ya i guess i am like you lol im looking but thanks it means alot!