Lost Without You

by ..:Broken_Angel:..   Feb 28, 2006

I wonder around aimlessly,
wishing you were back in my life
wishing i would see you again,
to catch a glimpse,
a hint of a smile,
the sound of your voice,
but it will never be for me,
never again
I'm lost without you
I cry, waiting for you
but all i seem to touch
is the shadow of your presence
i yearn for your touch
but all i get is
a breeze of your body
i miss you
but it is all my fault
i messed us up
i cheated, i lied
i regret it everyday of my life
so, here i am,
wandering the streets without you
because, simply, i'm lost

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  • 19 years ago

    by Ashley

    That was a great poem. 5/5 ~ash

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