
by LittleMissImperfect   Feb 28, 2006

Goodbye is such a simple word
Two syllables said as we pass
We say it as we leave each day
Not thinking these could be our last

Our last word to the one we love
Could simply be goodbye
That little word we use for everyone
Is that what we want to say before we die?

So every time you leave them
Tell them you love them
With every breath you breathe
Show them you love them

I Lost my best friend
But what makes it so tough?
My last words to him
Were just not good enough

Now i want to show him my love
To tell him he is my world
He is my guardian angel
And without him I'm just a little girl

A little girl who stands by his grave
Tears in her eyes, a rose in her hand
Who's tears drop without a sound
As by his grave she stands.

Goodbye is just not good enough
Goodbye is just not true
Let your last words always be
Forever and always I love you.


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Lisa25


  • 18 years ago

    by aimee

    That was incredible, it had so much emotion and feeling it made me want to help, beautful

  • 19 years ago

    by genevieve

    That was a very good poem, it is also very true

  • 19 years ago

    by Maria

    I really like this poem.. i know how you feel cause my last words to Desire' werent good enough.. i wish i could of told her how good of a friend she was to me and how much i loved her.. i go to her grave and talk to her but i'm not sure if she can hear me.. but i really like this poem.. keep up the great work..


  • 19 years ago

    by Twisted Mind Broken Soul

    Wow!!! speechless this poem is REALLY REALLY good, and so sad. You have a special talent so stick with it
