Wishing You Were Here, Father

by Rhinehalt   Feb 28, 2006

Everything is right.
My make-up is on.
Not to much
And not to little.
My hair is perfect.
The white dress of Mother's.
The preals of Grandmother's.
And eyes to match of Grandfather's.

Everything is here.
But I still cry.
I know I shouldn't.
It's my happy day.
But I can't help it.
You're not here.

You are so far away.
But you can still see me.
I know you can.
I can still feel you.
Your hug.
Your warm laughter
Is the same as mine.

But I want you here.
At my side.
You were the one
Who needs to give me away.
You wanted to too.
But He has you know.

So, I'll be brave.
And walk us both down the way.
I know you will happy for me,
For us.

So as the music starts
And the people all stand.
I'll walk us both to him,
The man who waits for me.

I have your smile on now
And I'll wear it proudly.
Cause I'm still your little girl, Daddy.


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  • 19 years ago

    by xoOrdinaryGirlox

    Wow luv the poem, really thoughtful, really deep, keep writing!!!!