Comments : Forced (2)

  • 18 years ago

    by Gwen

    Just be strong ^_^ & love all your poems.

  • 18 years ago

    by xxashadowxx

    Hugs and hold in there d. u've got me.

  • 18 years ago

    by out of death

    I know exactly how you feel... for my past the same.

  • 18 years ago

    by Sole

    Have faith :) Your poetry is excellent, and what a shame if the world could never read it. 5/5

    Peace. [Sole]

  • 18 years ago

    by Kaylee

    I want to feel normal
    I don't want to grow up this way
    ^This is something I keep thinking to myself and I wish people would understand that. I think you should describe more what it feels like to be a victim and scared instead of plain out telling us. People need to know how truley bad things can be. I have people who just tell me I overreact to something that, "Was bad but not that bad."

  • 18 years ago

    by Truest Lies

    I have been living with this nightmare
    And it all leads to pure hell

    I liked those lines, particularly because "pure hell" caught my eye. There was a sadness that flowed through, and anger and despair that came from the simple words that you used.
    I hope that this story is not true, but if it is, perhaps the best thing for you to do is share it with people, and not bear this burden alone.

    Anyway, if it's not true, then as it is, the poem came out beautifully!

    Good Writing,


  • 18 years ago

    by goddess-glamourpuss

    I woke up this morning
    Realizing it was all a dream
    I think it is so amazing
    How real dreams can seem
    The truth really is
    That I am too scared to tell
    I have been living with this nightmare
    And it all leads to pure hell

    These lines really caught my attention.
    They lead the poem well and hte sadness is compounded in the final lines.
    Well written.

  • 18 years ago


    Well written, once again.
    Peace, love and empathy,
    Vladimira Rose