Below the Surface

by PureDove   Feb 28, 2006

I see though others may not.
I see whats beyond your so called mask.
Beyond the fake smile.
Oh! I see it clearly the thing lurking behind those hateful eyes
The ever so twinkle of malice
that others mistaken for sheer joy.
I see it, though it seems small.
I feel it, though I shan't tell..
Won't tell!
Not a soul at all...

Dark Reply

So you see beneath my curtains, of lies.
You think you are better these fools that swoon with one simple smile.
You think you understand what's mines alone darkest dreams.
Please go ahead! Enlighten me by all means.
You think you see the hidden demons lurking inside.
Lets see, shall we, if you can get by.
So you think you can handle it?
You think you can put each piece together, bit by bit.
Fine! turn around look in the mirror.
Look at what's below the surface...
Look at yourself and stare


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  • 19 years ago

    by ScarletHaze

    Wow the last 2 lines totally changed where i thought you were going with this gr8 job 5/5 xxx