Death of a Child

by Kristie   Mar 1, 2006

In the night,
She watches me.
Pale and white,
She swallows the key.

All alone,
No where to run.
She gives out a groan,
And pulls out her gun.

She's getting close,
I sit and wait.
I take a dose,
She counts down my fate.

10, 9 ,8...
She starts my death.
In the dark,
I take my last breath.

7, 6, 5...
Is there a point,
To staying alive.
Is there a point,
To stopping at five?

4, 3, 2...
The tears start to fall.
Is this it,
Is life worth nothing at all? life flashes in a blink of an eye....
She starts to giggle,
As she watches me die.

Then I turn my head,
To the girl with glee.
And as I bled,
My mother watches me.


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by MissAlotta

    Awesome Job, the vivid description gives dark sense, I Love it.


  • 18 years ago


    Hewwo there,
    THis was a very imaginative peice if i saw so myself.
    I really enjoyed reading it.
    Well done.x

  • 19 years ago

    by Toni

    That was really good i liked it

  • Creepy, but wow, really good twist...
    hope you're okay...
    very talented...
    maybe check out some of mine?
    thanx much
    urs is awesome!