Love is a cruel thing.
At first, its wonderful,
But soon, lovers will drift apart.
No matter how in love you are.
How can the love just wash away?
Nobody understands...
Not even the person who puts things to an end.
You cry all alone.
All you yearn to do,
Is talk to them,
But you can't because
Now, theres someone new.
You're not the one that they chose you to be.
You're not what they want for forever and always.
Things have totally changed.
They've been rearranged because of him.
But why?
Your love was perfect...
You made each other extremely happy.
Something happened.
Maybe your mate couldn't handle knowing his true fate
So, instead of loving you,
He decides to hate.
He took your heart
And held it within his grasp.
Why wouldn't he just use that power to get close to you?
Like most men will, he let it crumble into pieces.
This left you as one of the many miserable souls in this horrible and scary world.