The kill

by happyGIRL   Mar 1, 2006

Stabbing, shooting, killing and blood
i told them to stop, but did they listen
running, screaming, crying and dieing
it all built up. i snapped like a elastic band
slashing,pleading, hiding and apologizing
cutting, hitting, hanging, and pushing
i hate them all i want them to die
i use anything and everything
gun, rope, chainsaw, roof top, poison, base ball bat, car, bomb, fire, gas, even bury them alive, drown then chock them, massacred them, suffocate them and beet them.
they never listened, i did warn them
but now not even a peep
it is silent now
i can sleep now
i only shed one tear, weather it was of
sadness or happiness
no 1 knows


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  • 18 years ago

    by Christie

    Omgosh, scary. poignant.. to say the least. great job tho. 5/5 =)

  • 18 years ago

    by Theo

    Holy shit. can you say psyco. i gave it a five anyways but wow you must be made at somebody. I bet its a girl. and i bet this girl u wanna kill tried gettin with ur b/f or something, seen it a million times. But hey you dont have to use a chainsaw. thats scary. Props.

  • 19 years ago

    by hayley williams

    Amazing use of words, great job xx

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