
by ~Fallen Angel~   Mar 1, 2006

As I take this knife
I grasp my life
And put it to an end

Eternal sleep
I wake up to meet
My never end

I gaze upon my everlasting
All see in my sites
Is perpetual fright

Twisted bodies, laying at my feet
Their blood shrieking pleas
Torturing every bit of me

As I make my way pass
I come to a mirrored glass
But its not me staring back

In fact its those who I despise the most
To my bewilderment glee is not thee emotion I see
But utter frustration mixed with...depression?

Can this really be
Do they miss me
Did they really love me

Without waring I'm swept away
Tied to a chair
A movie begins to play

To my dismay
Its my life
Filled with all my calamities

What happen next no words can explain
But I felt and lived my life again
On that big screen

Over and over it would play
But my calamities seemed
To only lessen compared to the person I could be

And with that
Fate had one more
Tick up its sleeve
As I awoke once more
This time to needles
Hooked up to iv's

Given one more
Chance to become
The person I'm destined to be


Copyright ©2005 Georgina M


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  • 18 years ago

    by Monique

    Hey there,
    this is a great poem, I really like it. It was different.. nothing like ive read before which is good, who wants to read something so similar over and over again, it was a nice change. well it was very well written.. my fav stanza owuld have to be.
    As I awoke once more
    This time to needles
    Hooked up to iv's
    I just thought that was quite clever, well take care
    P.S. I would appreciate it if you read one of my poems.. "stolen innocence" or "insecurity" thanks hun

  • 19 years ago

    by ScarletHaze

    This is truly a gr8 piece hun xox

  • 19 years ago

    by LadyPearl

    Interesting use of words, good job. Though the poem doesn't seem to have a constant flow

  • 19 years ago

    by Jen

    Great job! I loved it! It was really an interesting poem! Great job writing! Keep it up!

  • 19 years ago

    by J Lau

    Wow... this is a great piece. Though it starts off as a dark poem, it ends with hope and inspiration. Great write! Keep up the great work! 5/5