The Lose of a Mother

by MelMels   Mar 1, 2006

That day I found you dead in my bed was the scariest day of my life and the saddest.
I remember that day like it was yesterday that's why it hurts so badly, the coldness of your face still haunts me.
You have been gone six years now and a day doesn't pass by without me thinking and missing you.
When I'm sad you are the only person that I want but can't have.
I have to live the rest of my life without you, without my mommy and that makes things so worse.
I wish you were to tell me everything is going to be okay even though it's not. I wonder where you are and if you feel my pain too.
I miss you more than words can say and love you more than all the money in the world.
It hurts that I can't see you but I'll never forget you as you will be in my heart forever.
And no matter how long it's been I still don't get used to not having you, I still think you are here just been gone for a long time.
It has barely sat in that you're gone, I've lost you forever, you're not coming back and that's what makes the tears roll down my face.
the pain never goes away I don't think it ever will, there's still a hole in my heart, an empty space that will never close.
No one can heal it or make it go away and that scares me.
I'm always thinking about you and always will.
I love you and always will.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Megan

    Wow..that was so sad..keep up the good work. Im sorry if this is true..5/5
    take care

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