Life's Too Short

by Simon Hayes   Mar 1, 2006

Life's too short for arguments,
And playing silly games.
Complaining, swearing, cursing people,
Calling people names.

The world has no patience,
For insolent, arrogant fools.
Anyone who is disobedient,
Or doesn't play by the rules.

What goes around, comes around,
I'm sure that's how it goes.
Remember that when someone,
Is really getting up your nose.

'Cause life's too short for arguments,
And playing silly games.
There is no need to bicker,
And shoot everyone down in flames.

© Simon Hayes 01/03/06


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  • 18 years ago

    by Melissa

    Simon, "Vanilla Fragrance (Quatern)" so beautifully written.. I could actually smell the vanilla in the air. Awesome poem! ;o)

  • 18 years ago

    by Sondos

    The rhyme here is perfect without sounding forced. The message you are conveying is clear and well portrayed. Your choice of words really is great. Well Done.


  • 18 years ago

    by The Wingless

    This poem is very true. Life is too short for all that stuff. The flow in this was great, it didn't have a lot of imagery, but I don't think you were expecting it too? Anyways, I agree with you 100% life is too short for all those things.

  • 18 years ago

    by Just Wishes

    Agree wih ure theme 100%. we need such poems to revive our lives and i loved esp these lines :
    What goes around, comes around,
    I'm sure that's how it goes

    all the best,
    just wishes

  • 18 years ago

    by Ûµ.Autumn.Ûµ

    Thats really good. When i saw the title i thought it was going to be about dying but then i read the first line and ...i loved it :P keep it up!