Stand By Me?

by Holly   Mar 1, 2006

Would you stand by me, if I showed you the real me? Would you still be my friend, if I told you my true feelings? Would you still love me, if I told you what I'm really thinking? These are the questions I want to ask everyone the most. You see, everyone only sees the happy, carefree, joke cracking person I pretend to be. If you saw my soul you would see the girl that cries for attention, you would see the girl that thinks about suicide 24/7, you would see the girl, that wants to be anyone else but who she would see the real me...and all I want to know is, would you still be able to Stand By Me?


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  • 18 years ago

    by Megan

    That is a awesome poem but i am sure peeps would still stand by you if you were the real you around them and if they didnt then there not true friends. and dont think about suicide i have but someone told me to look at all you have a think yourself lucky b/c others would die to have what you have! so keep up the good writing and ill keep reading. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Stazifer Stazington

    These are the type of things that make up this little world...everyne gets so confuzzled with friendship. Excellent job!

  • 18 years ago

    by Christy Trenholm Schmall

    I agree as far as format, verse would be better than the prose form. You can use verse/stanza to emphasize. But as far as content and emotion I do NOT find it repetetive. I think it's good. Go back and edit into Verse and see how YOU like it then. But I hear and feel your pain, as MANY will. It's a good poem keep Writing!! 4/5 Email if you like.

  • 19 years ago

    by ChevyCowgirl23 not going to agree wiht that person up there...i think it is fine the way it is....i sooo know how you in the same position.....i love this poem....feel free to email me anytime!!!! GREAT JOB!!

  • 19 years ago

    by The Wingless

    Okay. here I go.
    I'm going to be honest. I'm not giving you a crap comment.

    I do NOT like the format or flow of this poem. This is not a poem format, it is a poem, but it just seems like a block of text.

    First of all, I don't think any text should hit the other side of the page, that's just overwhelming.

    Recently, I have grown to realize, that punctuation, such as periods and commas, ruin the flow of the poem.

    I would have preferred if the poem looked like this:

    Would you stand by me
    If I showed you the real me
    Would you still be my friend
    If I told you my true feelings

    Would you still love me
    Ifyou knew what I was thinking
    These are the questions
    I want to ask everyone the most
    You see, everyone only sees
    The happy, carefree, joke cracking Person I pretend to be.

    If you saw my soul
    A girl that cries for attention,
    A girl that thinks about,
    A girl, that wants to be anyone else,
    Not who she is...
    You would see the real me

    All I want to know is
    Would you still be able
    to Stand By Me?

    I hope this helps.

    Secondly, this poem is very repetitive, I think some changes could be made, but that is up to you.

    Lastly, it's very out in the open, it doesn't have any hidden meanings, the truth in it is all so obvious, it's not a mysterious type of poem thing. Mysterious poems show depth. You lack this here.

    Good job.