The feelings you give me

by emma   Mar 1, 2006

The touch of your skin against mine,
Sends chills down my spine

When we walk hand in hand,
I feel like the luckiest girl in the world

When you hold me in your arms, your body close mine
I feel safer than iv ever felt before

In you company I feel at ease
Enough to always let you see the real me

The sound of you voice gives me butterflyâ??s in my stomach
The very site of you makes me weak at the knees

As we stare into each others eyes, time stands still
Nothing else matters but us and the will of fate

While looking into those baby blues
I know for sure that you are mine
And I am forever yours


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Latest Comments

  • This is a really good poem it reminds me of the exact feelings i have for my boyfriend... keep up the good writtin id love to read more of yours


  • 19 years ago

    by jessica

    I think this is an great poems keep on writing.