Afraid Of Love

by Kee Wezzy   Mar 1, 2006

Once ago I believed loved,
Until one night things got out of hand.
So I stop believing in love
And relationships I can't stand.

I have touched so many hearts and so many have fallen in-love
Because of my warming words
But they don't hear when I cry out
And don't know how badly I been hurt.

They ask me to be the one for them
But I'm afraid that love might hate again
A friend is all I can ever be
But they still don't understand.

My honesty, my kindness, and my beauty
It cause them to love me even more
But they don't know that I'm afraid of love
I threw love out my heart and it still knocks at my door.

My mind is all twisted; my eyes are filled with tears
And I made a mistake loving one of my friends
I told her I would never leave her
And be there to the end.

Not only that, others love was growing for me
And I didn't know how to stop it.
But none of them didn't know that I was afraid of love
Some how this had to quit.

So, one night... I sat down and wrote this poem
To let all my friends know that I can't be their lover, only friend
Cause I have been hate before
And I be damn if it happens again.

No one knows my pain,
No one hears my cry
No one feels the way I feel,
And no one is RIGHT HERE NOW to dry my eyes

No one could replace the memories
I had with the one I did loved
It's hard for me to put my trust in another
And give them the stars above.

So friends,... do y'all hear me cry now
Love is not meant for me.
Love me for your and only friend
Stop thinking that we are might to be.

I can do good on my own
Cause my life, y'all wouldn't understand
Please, if you love me
Love me as your friend.

I am afraid of love
And I'm afraid to hurt you.
Friendship is what you won,
But a relationship from me is what you will always lose.


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  • 18 years ago

    by ^*t0rN*^

    Omg ma yo0 this poem is beautiful... u got talent ma keep it up... 4 real im feeln this poem nd ur words...

  • 18 years ago

    by Sarah

    Beautiful words...the concept is so true that i dont care to think about it...i'm going through "stuff" and i totally relate

  • 18 years ago

    by Bubblez

    I thought is was great i think that you have a real talent.i know how you feel

  • 19 years ago

    by xXx Expecting xXx

    This is a good poem...keep it up...its great...


    look @ my poems if u would please

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