Time to say goodbye

by .ღ.Jasmyn.ღ.   Mar 1, 2006

Today has passed, tonight shall fall
There's nothing left, destroyed it all

What can I say? Nothing or me to do
You killed my heart, yet I still love you

You loved me, kissed me, fed me sweet lies
I had to learn the hard way this was your discuise

You knew you had the power, the power to make me smile
And you knew you could bring me to tears all the while

Another mark in your book, a hit on your list
While just wanting someone to love me was all I'd insist

But it's been too long, you can't say I didn't try
It's time to move on, to say goodbye.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Robiie

    You have a great way of making your poems flow, makes them even better to read

    take care x0x0