Read into love

by Kelsey   Mar 1, 2006

Parts of the world that read into love
the ocean
how it keeps flowing and never ending
The mountains
How they can touch the sky and go high
The clouds
They float all around and always there

Parts of the world that hurt love
The ocean
How once it goes to high the wave crashes
The mountains
Once snow it packed on too heavy it avalanches
The Clouds
How they turn grey and pur out tears

Parts of the world where love dont exsist
The ocean
The world will soon crack and dry up
The mountains
they eventually errupt into volcanoes and explode
The clouds
How when the sun comes out they disappear just like love


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  • 19 years ago

    by *Alanna*

    I liked your poem your young and talented by the time you get older you'll be amazing. Keep it up.

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