Apart *freestyle*

by The Poetic Child   Mar 2, 2006

Can you even see,
What you had for me
Was nothing but air
that you'd thought would be fair
to take my heart and tare
and gave it up like its something to share,
but what i felt for you
no one can even compare

to already find someone new
i guess i got my clue
I'm nothing but a WHO?
Who is he?
Look at me
I'm obviously nothing but a past
On something i thought would last
but i must of been lied to
and i see what you got me tied to
I'm tied to a tree
just look and see
I'm tied against a tree
while you got the bow and arrow
I'm glad this tree is so narrow
so theres a chance you'll hit
you took my candle and UN lit it...

I'm no more ~Broken Man~
Now i understand
My life is just torn apart
I'm now ~Torn Pieces of my heart~
as you popped it like a dart
Now i have a new start
But that start wont happen
because of so many people laughing
You want me Gone Right
Yes I know you do
and i will tonight
Ill give your dream come true
There will No Me and you
No No No Never
I'm just gone forever
I look at this Bullet
Take this Gun and Pull it
You keep saying your sorry
i cant take it no more
I'm pulling it..AAAAAHHHHHHH
*Bullet Fires*

I'm Gone Now For good
Heres a Piece of my Heart
I'm letting you take a piece
To be remind of how you tore me apart....


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  • 18 years ago

    by myshiningstar14

    Thats so said..almost made me cry..great imagery..WOW!! SO amaazing sry this is happenign to you..but its gonan be ok..i kno this is tough but in relaity some way somehow..even if u dotn kno where ur goin you jsu gotta take it and run. good luck bro. I am here, if you wanna talk or if u just need a good laugh.

  • 19 years ago

    by Gesselle Valle

    Here another wonderful poem, sad yet so great! Nice job my friend...take care and keep it up... you're awesome ^_^ many big hugs for you.

  • 19 years ago

    by **Stacy**

    Awwwwwwwwwwwww this is so so sad babe. but i love it. 5/5