Beauty the Beast

by iDeePanda   Mar 2, 2006

There once was a girl named Dee Dee
She was never small
She never was that adorable child
She never had it all

She grew into a girl
That had her heart broken severely
She almost had a boyfriend
Almost meaning nearly

She gave up on love and it's meaning
Gave up on both love and peace
She locked herself away from others
And called herself "the Beast"

She hid behind masks of happiness
While she cried herself to sleep
Because beauty wasn't in the eye of the beholder
And beauty was never skin deep

So "the Beast" hid herself in a tower
Which was built of jealousy and rage
She put hid her emotions from others
And sheltered herself in a cage

She became immune to the taunts
For she already knew how she looked
So she didn't think of her social life
And instead, she turned to books

Until she grew into a woman
That was different from how she was before
And suddenly she heard less taunting
And the pain she felt was no more

She still hid in her tower
And despite what others said
She didn't feel she was the beauty
They all put in her head

She was two people at once
A beauty and a beast
She didn't know where she belonged
And all she wanted was peace

This child of two beings
Was beautiful within
But on the outside she was the beast;
Not pretty....not normal...not thin

This girl is still pondering
Which person she wants to be
Because beauty is the beast
When it comes to being me


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  • 18 years ago

    by SadnesssMadnesss

    Dang dee, i don't beleive i aint comment on this earlier, it was real good though. Hope you get past all that beast stuff though. I'm just rambling on about nothing so i will get at you later. - Yvette

  • 19 years ago

    by Yulie

    Told You this poem was good 6/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Brian n Josh

    I really liked this poem and how well it flows. 5/5 from me


  • 19 years ago

    by Kayla Sonya Dearing

    Awww dee dee that was really good. I care for you and you are pretty don't think yourself of a beast -hugs-

    Love ya

  • 19 years ago

    by Kayla Sonya Dearing

    Awww dee dee that was really good. I care for you and you are pretty don't think yourself of a beast -hugs-

    Love ya