A Time for Everything

by cassssey   Mar 2, 2006

There was a time
for you and me
to always be together
the way we were
there would never be another
We were together
And we'd be forever

There was a time
when I'd look into your eyes
And forever i could see
Nothing could Change that
cuz at the time
Forever we would be

There was a time
When i just didn't understand
I didn't know anything
could ever hurt so bad
why was this happening
was our time coming to and end

There was a time
When i couldn't even smile
All of my happiness
was taken from me
I just couldn't believe
that you had left me

There was a time
for you and me
but now that time
has come and past
The time we shared
was meant to be
and will forever be a part of me

Now is the time
that i start to heal
I'm letting go
And moving on
life brings many great things
and there will be a time for everything
especially, what was meant to be.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Kurt

    Great poem. Very heartfelt and emotional. You put your feelings onto the paper and let it soak them up. Brilliant.