She Was a Happy Corpse.

by Renee   Mar 2, 2006

A camera flashes a bright, light of agony.
We'll smile for a while, then we're back to frowning.
Sun bounces off her bare head;
the color of the trees used to be in her eyes.

She was so pretty, but she has died.

I watch her bones rub against her thin skin,
it sickens me to see her rotting from within.
She can't even lift her eyelids;
the ones that are hiding her dying soul.

She was so young, now she is old.

They say six months, well it's been seven.
They say "they must be making room for her in heaven."
And I say "God, is just taking a piss on mankind.
I'm not going to wait for her to die."

I touch her hand; it's cold.

It's a cloudy day, I'm taking her out in the rain.
She's twirling around as the world decays.
She isn't leaving with the taste of hospital heat.
I remind myself of what she last saw;
as she falls to my father's feet.

And she was still smiling at me.

-*-We just recently found out that my mum may have cancer. It's nothing as serious as this, I just wanted to put myself in the shoes of the many who have lost loved ones to this disease. We'll get results on Saturday and hope to Buddha it isn't what we think it is.


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  • 19 years ago

    by ashley

    Hey im so sorry to hear about your mom. i really loved the poem it meant a lot to me...i once had an aunt who died of breast cancer. this poem...well lets just say that i feel like crying right now but i guess it doesnt help that i have a sad song playing in the back round lol well i hope you mom does well. much love ashley

  • 19 years ago

    by Harley- Angel Of Despair

    Extream. Very good. I enjoyed this one.

  • 19 years ago

    by LonelyNightsHurt

    Hope ya mum is all good hun..mad poem tho...

  • 19 years ago

    by Taylor♥

    Good luck! with ur mom! keep up hope! love **~**Taylor**~**

  • 19 years ago

    by VJstorm

    Wow...the heart-felt sadness and the grimness of the situation in the poem brought a tear to my eye.

    PS. I hope U mum is doing better and would like to wish her a speedy full recovery