Nothing Gold Can Stay

by eric   Mar 2, 2006

"Nothing gold can stay"
that must be why
you had to go away

nothing is allowed to be perfect
you and her will get so close
but as soon as your happy
she'll hurt you the most

i always lived by the three L's
live, love, laugh
but that doesnt always go over so well
obviously going for you was the wrong path

just seeing you walk out that door
knowing that you were done with me
together we would be no more
well darling now your free

how could i possibly have
treated you that bad
you always looked happy
not once did you look sad

you were the world to me in the form of a girl
from the days filled with so much fun
where we would just dance,
cuddle and i would tell you your my only one

if i could say one last thing before you left
i would say your one of a kind and your not like the rest
you were my first love and i loved you the best


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  • 18 years ago

    by ~XOHOLLYOX~

    Hey, i really like this poem...your a very good writer, always write and dont let anyone ever tell you not have a very amazing gift...and a angelic heart and soul..thanks for your coment as you to

  • 19 years ago

    by RainbowSlider

    A really beautiful poem. :) 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Jessica

    Awww, very good....thanks for commenting on my stuff.....and like I said, don't be a stranger, send me a private message sometime....later keep up the great work! :)

  • 19 years ago

    by Jessica

    Awww, very good....thanks for commenting on my stuff.....and like I said, don't be a stranger, send me a private message sometime....later keep up the great work! :)