What is...

by Daisy   Jan 19, 2004

What is life
what is love
what is living
I am so lost
Where is forever
where is the end
what is the future
where is heaven
Who am I
And who are you
Who is this person
I am talking to
When am I leaving
or will I just stay
When will this finish
I want to leave, if I may
How is this happening
Is this all true
Are we living in a fairy tale
Oh I feel so blue
How can you feel something
if you never felt it before
How can you imagine that you feel
if your heart has been torn
What is this place
How do we live
What is wrong with me
I can not see
What is the future
and what is the past
what is history
And how long will I last
How can I see
What am I saying
I don\'t understand
I need someones help
Someone to be loving
How do you love
and how do you not
-I\'m done-


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  • 21 years ago

    by Daisy

    wow thank you

  • 21 years ago

    by David

    Hello Daisy,
    Nice rhymes. Beautiful poem.

    I read your wonderful poem called "Te Quiero" and I dont know if you know it, but you inspired me that day, so I wrote one to my mommy as well. Please do me the honor of reading it, I dedicated it to you. Its called 'Madrecita, Por Ti Morire'
    Thank you for your inpirational poems.