Comments : The Divorce

  • 19 years ago

    by Holly

    Thats exactly how i felt when my parents did the whole divorce thing...but you put it into words a lot better than I ever could...

  • 19 years ago

    by Lovesick 4 Jesus

    Awwwwwww hunni. thank u so much for commenting on my poem. It really does mean alot to me. yer awesome girl. Im sorry that yer going through all of this crap. Im here for you. ok? just know that...........if u ever need to talk to me im here for you. u can call me if u like 1-816-231-6786. Im here ok???????? yer never gonna be alone again. Ill be prayin for you. You have so much too look foraward. to. jesus loves you. remeber that he never puts anything in our lives that he knows that we can't handle. i dont know how i can say that because i want to commit suicide more aNd more everyday but its true. i know that u don't know me but im here for you. i care about you. I want you to know that you do have someone who is there and there are people who care sweetie. things will get better soon enough. ( i hate saying that because people always say that to me and then nothing ever gets better it always gets worse) . TRUST ME, i won't let you down ok sweetie. You stay strong. im no more than a phone call away. or an email.

    you are an awesome writer girl. thats some mighty talent that you've got going on there. never let it go. i almost did. 5/5 here of course. can't wait to read the next though.

    ~Hurting Inside~

  • 18 years ago

    by twisted reality

    Wow. Um...I liked this poem. I would usualyl say to someone's poem that I know exactly how they feel. But for this on I can't. I'd be lying. =( My parents are still together and I'm so sorry that yours aren't (by the sounds of this poem). It sounds like you really hated it when they broke up, and that it just tore you up inside. That's what I see from this poem. Great write. Keep it up. =) 5/5 xoxo
