Does it matter

by shellybaby   Mar 3, 2006

I have so many questions
that have no determined answer
such as, do you want me to sing
or be a good dancer

Now, why does it matter
if my skin is whiter then an egg shell
is that what determines
if i go to heaven or hell

does it matter if i
cry when I'm sad
laugh when I'm happy
or scream when I'm mad

to be white or red
or even blue or brown
to live my life with a smile
or live it with a frown

to you that much
about what i do
or how i handle such

If it does then please tell me
so i can keep to my ways
and not submit to your wishes
but fulfill my craze


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  • 19 years ago

    by Alexandra

    I like it alot. i love your choice of words. who is this about !