
by Giani   Mar 3, 2006

Over the summer I went to Rehab.

I went because I thought I could get over and Eating Disorder.

Since I have been home I realized that for me it is impossible to beat.

I have begun to starve, binge and purge all over again.

Now I am in a place of guilt.

My family and friends think I am fine and I am so afraid of letting the down.

People just need to realoze that I need to be thin.

They need to know that I need to cope.

Control,stress, and pressure all keep ED alive.

I am so afraid to let him leave.

Who am I without ED?

How will I deal?

So many questions that I just don't know how to answer.

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  • 19 years ago

    by sammie

    I have one with the same title.
    hope yourdoing ok now.

  • 19 years ago

    by sammie

    I liked it and one of mine have the same title.
    Hope that you are doing ok now!