Never Sayin Goodbye

by Kyle Stroup   Mar 3, 2006

I pretend that I'm fine
But I'm just living a lie
I'm not letting you slip this time-
I'm never saying goodbye

I love you with all my heart-
You gotta know its true
Cause every time we're a part
I only think of you

I don't care about other guys
They're not even 1/2 as good as you
And when I look into your eyes
I know you feel this way too

In a way, we're meant to be-
I've tried so hard to move on
But you're the only guy for me-
You know you're number one

I love you baby and
I wanna make this work
Cause you're the only guy who knows
Exactly what I'm worth.

this is a poem my friend Rachel that i love more than anything wrote me to show how she really feels about me and whats going on...just letting yall give yalls opinion on it


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  • 19 years ago

    by u alwayz made me smile

    Hey there. i loved the poem. hope it all works for you two. take care. much love,
    ~ghetto licious~

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