I may have left, but i've always been here

by x325xRunawayTrainx103x   Mar 3, 2006

You're my whole entire world
Wrapped up in a single soul...
You're like my own little girl,
You complete me to make a whole

Our bond was strong,
This child is what i needed...
But things went wrong,
I suddenly was defeated...

I made choices and more,
That i wish i never did...
I wasn't sure what i was doing this for,
I needed to be with you while you were a young kid...

I chose drugs and drinking
Instead of spending time with you
I still don't know what i was thinking
I wish i could say that this wasn't at all true

I basically was putting myself through hell
While you were still waiting for me
I just couldn't handle life so well
And that's something i never want you to see

Now you're growing older
You're learning things on your own
And while the rest of the world is growing colder
You need to know you'll never be alone

I know i let you down
And i left you in the dark
I could've been around
But i left a lasting mark

I promise I'll make up the time
I missed growing up with you
And for love, I'll give all of mine
Because that's how sorry i am too

It kills me to even think
That i chose hell instead of you
You're basically my missing link
You're my angel that gets me through

I hope you don't follow the road i did
I pray to god that you'll succeed in it all
And even though I'm also still a kid
I'll be there in case you happen to fall

Please don't even let it cross your mind,
Or think of it at all...
That i have left you behind,
Because I've been here all along...


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