A Day Without Love

by Tonyel   Mar 3, 2006

A day with out love....
the air doesn't smell so sweet,
the morning sunrise seems so dim

A day without love....
the birds in the air give up their song,
the warm sun feels so cold on your skin.

A day without love....
the music you hear has no melody at all,
food has no flavor, drink brings you no grin.

A day without love....
Nothing you do adds joy to your soul,
your life feels so empty, you feel so alone.

A day without love....
God seems as if he's abandoned your prayers,
and all that is good seems to now be gone.

A day without love....
The chores of your day are worst by ten fold
each step is much harder, just to move on.

A day without love....
Each breath that you take seems more difficult to you,
your heart's filled with loss, you and sadness are one.

A day without love....
Dear God, please God, let these days disappear,
just to hear an "I love you", would make this all done.


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  • 18 years ago

    by mer

    That was amazing... its so true though... i like the analogies