To my daughter

by leeanne   Mar 3, 2006

As I sit here in this room all I do is think
What could i have done different I should have put it in ink
I have been hurt in such a way
That this is what I have to say......

How could you do this,How could you lie,I have always been there for you to talk too,and you chose not to come to me .I have always talked about sex and drugs with you and always said for you to come to me .I trusted you 110% There was never a doubt in my mind that you would come to me for anything but I was wrong now here we are yelling and screaming saying things we don't mean and me feeling like how can i ever trust her again well to you my daughter you know who you are all I can say is I love you no matter what and I will be here for you always But one thing for sure is that I am not sure I will be able to trust you anymore
But do remember this You are my daughter and I may not like the choices or decisions you make but I do love you !!!! love mom


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  • 19 years ago

    by lita

    That was good

  • 19 years ago

    by lita

    That was sad and sorry for what happen