Remembering Mommy

by sandra young   Mar 3, 2006

She sat upon her daddy's lap
her eyes were filled with tears
her mommy isn't coming back
it was more then he could bare

He told her that her mommy
had to leave and go away
that god had called her name
and heaven is where she'll stay

She looked into her daddy's eyes
and saw that they were red
I love you were her spoken words
I love you too he said

Remember how she used to sing
your favorite lullaby
and tickle you on your nose
and pretend it was a fly

Remember when she cut my hair
she laughed so hard she cried
I remember daddy
cause you wanted to run and hide

Oh daddy ,
I miss my mommy , I wish that she were here
will she always remember me
and wait for us there

Your mommy, will never forget,
her little baby girl
didn't you know she thought of you
as her whole world

When ever you feel
a funny feeling on your nose
that's mommy tickling you
and watching as you grow.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Kylie

    This is an excellent poem, I love it.