You're gone

by Kylie   Mar 3, 2006

I suppose you couldn't take it
I suppose you couldn't bare
To keep on living
Nobody seemed to care
But I cared, I still do
Even though you’re gone I think of you
That day you put the gun to your head
It tore apart our lives
That day we found you dead

I remember at your funeral
Everybody cried
I remember wishing
That I was the one who'd died
I'm sorry I couldn't help you
Or catch you when you fell
If only I'd have noticed
You where living a secret hell

I'm sorry I couldn't help you
I'm sorry I wasn't there
I hope that you know
That I still do care
I know you're not in heaven
But it's what I like to pretend
That you're up there with god
That he is now your friend


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  • 19 years ago

    by sarah

    I like your poem cos i can relate to it my mum killed herself and what you said there is how i felt keep writing an take care hun sarah x

  • 19 years ago

    by sarah

    I like your poem cos i can relate to it my mum killed herself and what you said there is how i felt keep writing an take care hun sarah x

  • 19 years ago

    by suppressed

    This is a awsome poem i know wat your going through. iv lost three friends in less than a year 2 to suicide
    hang in there it will get better
    i love your poem

  • 19 years ago

    by sandra young

    I like this poem, nicely written, thanks for commenting on mine also