Love hurts

by ~`*PrOdIgAl cHiLd~`*   Mar 3, 2006

Why does love hurt
can somebody tel me wot its worth

love can make you feel so secure
but yet still you never know when it will walk out your door
never having a steady out pour
it leaves u banging the floor

sometimes u feel it will last forver
untill that faithful hour
you realise maybe it wasnt ever meant to be
you just have to wait n see

why does love hurt so bad
especially when u know he is the best man you ever had
how do you explain this
to me its jus a crisis

like a raging fire
ripping apart all your attire
bending like wire
my burning desire

why does love have to end
is this lifes trend
feels like im playin in a lions den
or fowl pen

will love ever last forever
i often sit and wonder
if i had you nirmal my life would be so much easier

rate my poems plz


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  • 19 years ago

    by Rican Chemistry

    A very touchin piece... liked it bunches... 5/5
