The One...Remembered

by RadianceInReverse   Mar 3, 2006

I want to be remembered as the girl that always smiles...even when her heart is broken...

And the one who could always brighten up your day...Even if she couldn't brighten her own...

The one always by your side
The girl who provides you with a shoulder to cry on...even when the tears she cries go uncounted...

The one with the hearing ears
The girl who will listen to all your sorrow and fears...even when the sad words she whispers remain unheard...

The one with the open heart
The girl who gives you love, no matter what you've done...even when her lonely heart is continually broken...

The one with an undying Love
The girl who would do anything in the world to help you.. Even when she receives no help from the one she deeply loves...

I wanna be the ONE remembered.. Even after I'm six feet under...

The first few lines of this were taking from something i found off the internet..the rest is original...Please Comment Thanks...Joc


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  • 15 years ago

    by SheenaMarie

    I love love love this poem...great job...5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Gizmo

    I no what your on about from the first few lines it is one of my favorite famous poems and i loved the idea of expanding on it :) however its kinda wordy and i don't liuke the six foot under bit. it hasn't7 got the woooooooowwwww factor.


  • 16 years ago

    by Jodie Phillips

    Exactly how i would want to be remembered. I love this it;s quite a simple poem but very meaningful great job.

  • 16 years ago

    by Hollywood

    I loved this it was really great! I loved your choice of words and it flowed very nicely!((5))

  • 16 years ago

    by Tom Swart

    There is a saying that says " write your name with love and kindness on the hearts around you and you will never be forgotten. I think people will remember you and your words. keep up the good writes. peace kid