True For You

by kayla   Mar 3, 2006

My love is true for you
It's merely like a zoo
There will be one thought here
And one thought there
Will we ever be a pair

My love is true for you
I love you my dear
The loving and warm blue
Makes me have fear
Fear that i will never get your heart
That is so beautiful its like art

My love is true for you
My darling
My angel from above
Forever more i will be falling
Falling for my one and true love



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  • 19 years ago

    by aaron c s

    In my opinion, which you can take as constructive crtiticism or not, is that there wasnt any emotion in it. u tried to hard to rhyme and there was no flow and the rhyme scheme was different in each stanza which makes it a exausting read. good start though. it definately has potential.

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