Suicide is not painless

by suppressed   Mar 3, 2006

What makes people kill them selves
people say suicide is painless
thats not true
the hurt they must have gone through
going through every day depressed
thinking they are better of dead
and not to mention the people they left behind
think about the last few hours of their life
what they were going through
all alone thinking no one cares
as they load the gun
or tie the noose around their neck
people say suicide is selfish
and a cowards way out
i think its the opposite
they must be hurting so bad to end their life
the courage it took to pull the trigger
or jump of a chair
so now when you hear people say
suicide is selfish
think of what they must have gone through


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  • 17 years ago

    by Justin

    *Shivers* That was Awesome 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by SuicideNotes2Poems

    I agree 500%
    i love this its going in my favorats

  • 18 years ago

    by Dan Bloom

    O true and my sister would say that suicide is selfish like allll the time so yea that completely makes sense and yea i know how it feels ohweelll but thats an amazing poem! and its so true!!! great job

  • 19 years ago

    by sarah

    My mum killed herself 2 yr ago and I thought she was in a way a selfish cow it took me a while but I realised it was me who was selfish not noticing her pain. so I totally agree with you. keep writing and take care hun sarah x