Beauty and the beast

by Kayla Sonya Dearing   Mar 4, 2006

There was a girl
And she was the beauty
But yet there was a guy
And he was the beast

The beauty
Thought he was the best
But the beast wasn’t
The beast was beyond doubt a beast.

The beauty didn’t care
The beauty loved him
And no matter what he did
She loved him throughout it all.

He would
strike her
Punch her
And abused her over and over

But the beauty
Didn’t care
For she was in love with the beast
And didn’t care if he was a beast

The beast
Was truly a beast,
And the beauty
Was truly a beauty.

People would watch him
And everywhere he went
They all shook their head
And entitled him the beast

Her friends,
Would try and get her to leave him
But she shook her head
And say that she loved him.

The beast would beat her
And the beauty she stood there and took it
And then she found something out
Something amazing that she wanted the most.

She was going to have the beast’s baby
She told him the news
And he looked at her
And he just shook his head

He packed his belongings
Stood at the door
And bid her farewell
And walked out of the door

She watched him disappear
With tears in her eyes
Knowing that she was going to have his baby
And just couldn’t believe he left her

She shed tears
And didn’t know what to do
But she couldn’t take the life of the unborn
And she had found something to live for.

She had the baby
It was a little girl.
She cried when she held her
And deep within she was pleased that the beast was gone.

She held her baby and told her
“You are my beauty
And the beast has gone
And we are protected together.”

She held her baby
As she closed her eyes
And looked up
And said “Thank you”

She thanked the lord
For giving her someone to care for
Thanked him with her heart and soul
And she thanked him that he left them.

At the end
The beauty lived happy with her daughter
And the beast
Well the beast was gone and no one cared.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Hatori

    I liked this poem, very well writen!! 5/5, I really liked the topic.

  • 18 years ago

    by DAYLON

    This is good poem and I should have commented before. Lovely story and beautiful written. :P

  • 18 years ago

    by James

    Wow that was great I liked it, it seemed like a story but was good :)
    and thank you so much for the lovely comments :) 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Ashmore

    :) Nice.

  • 19 years ago

    by HisAngel

    Its good....i liked it.....

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