Who do you turn to

by underahalo   Mar 4, 2006

Who do u turn to when everything isn't right
when nothing makes sense
when your worlds been turned upside down
when your alone in darkness.
Everything was fine
the day was going fine
u couldn't imagine your life any other way
but things took a sharp turn in the wrong direction
where do u go when everything isn't right
when u hurt like I've never hurt b4
when your drained and have no strength
when u feel u cant go on.
life changed so fast
every thing's turned dark
your stuck in situation after situation that u don't want 2 b in
the problems the hurt and the tears don't end
what do u do when everything isn't right
when u fall down and someones pinned u there
when I've been beat down but the beatings keep coming
when the odds are against u.
how do u keep going
when the light that u once saw is burned out
theres no light to guide you
theres no light to reach for
when do u no when everything isn't right
when everyone around u ignores your existence
when u call out but your own voice is all that echos bk
when u cant remember how your life used to feel.
u finally hit bottom but u cant get up
every attempt makes u somehow sink lower
its a never ending black hole
sucking u deeper into its drowning blackness
why isn't everything right
what did u do to deserve this
why cant this all end
when do u wake up from this nightmare
all u see is darkness
all u hear are your own screams of fear
all u feel is the emptiness of your soul
thats all u have left.


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  • 19 years ago

    by nadsyy

    Awww sad:'(.....it hurts wen u dnt knw wat to do anymore n u jst dnt knw who to go to etc....i knw where this is comming from love dia mwaz xoxo