
by katie   Mar 4, 2006

My dad said no,
i said it wasn't fair,
i might be young,
but I'm not a child.

He looked me in the eyes,
I glanced right back,
he might be older,
but I'm not scared.

I asked again,
hoping he had changed his mind,
but he hadn't,
he was stubborn you see.

So when I asked why not,
he told me why,
I was his child,
his princess.

When I told him no,
he looked at me,
with the eyes of sadness,
fury and rage.

He told me to go,
to get out of his house,
so I picked up my purse,
and left.

That night I got the phone call,
the one you'd never dream of,
A car had flipped over,
and a man was dead.

I anxiously asked why they were telling me this,
and when they asked me,
If I was the daughter of Jim Smith,
I didn't answer.

My father was dead,
his life shattered,
and I never got the chance,
to tell him goodbye.


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  • 19 years ago

    by katie

    I [L][O][V][E] this poem soo much!! i was about to cry when i read it!
    if someone doen't like this poem then they DONT KNOW WHAT THEIR THINKING because this poem is ahh-mazing!