The Kiss

by Tiffany   Mar 4, 2006

The kiss was soft and gentle.
It seemed eternal.
Our lips pressed together
as his tongue slips between my lips.
I was becoming addicted to
the taste of his mouth.
I began to cling to him as I
wanted to savor this moment.
It was drugging. It was crazy.
I began to burn with desire
as he raked his tongue against mine.
A moan slipped from my throat
because I was drowning in ecstasy.
As the kiss ended, we both took
a deep breath and wondered when a kiss like that would roll around again...


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by *Alanna*

    Nice poem. You're talented keep on writing.


  • 19 years ago

    by RainbowSlider

    MMMMMM Nice kiss. :)