The Greatest Lessons

by Sarah Ann   Mar 4, 2006

The greatest lessons are those learned
From the mistakes made on your way
The greatest people are your enemies
I have just learned that today

For friendship is only a dream deferred
No, not one portion of it is real
Surprising, how just a mere stranger
Can understand how you may feel

It hurts when words are said to you
And you are disrespected in the face
But when a friend hits from the back
The pain can kill you in your place

The world works in mysterious ways
When your loss comes from your gain
With good things there come bad results
And with joy there soon comes pain

But now I know the world's true side
The masked faces of those I see
Painted clowns, all laughing, joking
Smiling, so dully back at me

Though experience is a painful thing
It is the best journey yet worth while
To gain your knowledge, take a stand
And look past deceitful guile

And now I know my greatest lessons
Have come from my mistakes
I'm through with all the trusting
All the bullsh1t and heart aches

They think that I am fooled well
Until now, I figured out the flow
So now I will leave you with advice
Or just something you should know

The greatest lessons are those learned
From the mistakes made on your way
The greatest people are your enemies
Who fix you up when you're astray


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  • 18 years ago

    by Nee

    This was amazing!!!!
    I loved it so much
    keep it up :)

  • 19 years ago

    by Nee

    Gr8 one
    its full of true meanings and really gr8
    totally loved it
    keep it up hunni and good luck
    Nema x0x0x0x0x0x

  • 19 years ago

    by Rican Chemistry

    Great job, loved it.. keep them coming!!!


  • 19 years ago

    by Avellana

    The world works in mysterious ways
    When your loss comes from your gain''-

    I can deff relate to this, and told so well. Kept intrested throughout. V. good.

    Lv A, x